Change your diet.

Improve your health.

Transform your life.

We help you hack your body’s biometrics so that you can lose weight - without cravings, loss of energy, or calorie counting.

  • Establishing a Balanced Nutrition Plan

  • Optimizing Metabolism and Energy Levels

  • Facilitating Safe & Predictable Weight Loss

  • Medically Designed Weight Loss Plan

Lose Weight

This step is structured to enhance fat loss by limiting carbohydrate consumption, promoting ketosis, a naturally occurring state in which the body utilizes stored fat as its primary energy source. You will stay in Step 1 until you achieve your desired weight loss target.


After achieving your weight loss goals, you will receive guidance on gradually reintroducing carbohydrates and beneficial fats. Additionally, our goal is to help you find your specific macronutrient requirements to support you in the maintenance of your newfound healthy weight and effective hunger management.


Get continuous education and assistance from your coach and clinic throughout the Maintenance Step. Your coach will provide guidance on making lifelong healthy food choices and will introduce fresh approaches during your appointments focused on nutrition, cultivating healthy eating habits, modifying behavior, and optimizing your environment.

How It Works...

The human metabolism naturally functions in a state of ketosis, a process in which our ancestors relied on to sustain themselves for days while hunting, primarily utilizing fat stores and burning ketones for energy. Their diet primarily consisted of animal fat and protein.

This ancestral lifestyle led to significantly lower disease rates compared to our modern times, where inflammation, largely attributed to the consumption of sugar and carbohydrates, contributes to a higher prevalence of health issues.

Humans are natural power-houses. When you balance the protein to carbohydrate ratio in your diet you will experience more vitality and begin to lose weight more easily.

  • Backed by doctors

  • Revolutionary products to boost your body’s natural wellness capabilities

  • Personal coaching and accountability to answer questions and help keep you on track

  • Achieve weight loss, better health, and higher performance with targeted ketosis.

  • Proprietary products to boost your body’s natural wellness capabilities


I joined this plan 2 months ago, and the transformation is incredible. I've dropped 25 pounds and 20 inches without a single day of calorie counting or feeling low on energy. It's a game-changer!
Sara D.

I've been on this program for only 3 months, and the results are astonishing! I've lost 30 pounds and 22 inches, and the best part is I've never had to battle those energy-sapping cravings.
-Michael S.

"In just 60 days, I shed an incredible 20 pounds and 18 inches! I never thought losing weight could be this easy and satisfying. Cravings? They're a thing of the past!
-Jeannette M



Nourish your body,

fuel your life – discover

the power of nutrition today!

Exogenous Ketones

Exogenous ketones are supplements that boost ketone levels in your body, providing potential health benefits like improved energy, focus, athletic performance, and fat burning.

Mental Health

Experience clearer thinking, more energy, and personal satisfaction because you've reached your ideal weight!


How does the Your Weight and Health Specialists diet work?

The YWHS Protocol consists of three phases aimed at guiding you in establishing, attaining, and sustaining your weight loss objectives. In the Weight Loss Step, we restrict carbohydrate intake to prompt the body to utilize stored fat for energy. Through the consumption of YWHS foods, this Protocol not only helps preserve muscle mass but also educates you on cultivating wiser dietary habits and lifestyle choices, enabling you to sustain your weight following successful weight loss.

What does the program cost?

In North America, the YWHS Plan typically amounts to an average daily expense of approximately $21, encompassing both the food and supplements. We suggest considering this Plan cost as a portion of your grocery budget. Shifting your typical food expenses towards healthier choices often makes the Plan cost-neutral. Consultation fees can differ from one location to another based on the range of services provided, so it's advisable to explore multiple locations in your vicinity.

How is the YWHS protein plan different from other protein focused diets?

The YWHS Protocol tackles weight concerns at their root by minimizing carbohydrate and fat intake while ensuring a sufficient daily protein intake. In essence, the objective is to shed fat while preserving muscle mass. While following the Protocol, you'll receive personalized coaching and valuable education on healthier lifestyle choices, equipping you with the knowledge and empowerment needed to maintain your weight loss achievements throughout your lifetime.

Is the plan approved for vegetarian diets?

Yes, vegetarians can use the YWHS plan. There are many whole food and meal replacement options available. Your coach will help you design your meal plan to meet your vegetarian needs.

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